• 1. Personal Details
  • 2. Confirm Payment
  • 3. Process Payment
  • 4. Registered Membership

Personal Details

Please enter your personal details below to register with us. Sections marked with * are required to register.

1. Basic Details
2. Where did you hear about ICR?
3. Select your Affiliation*
4. Select your Qualifications*
5. Choose a Membership*
Please select the appropriate subscription rate (Please tick the checkbox if you are employed by an academic institution, a national health service or are a student). Please refer to the Membership Guidance Notes.
  • Those individuals who provide a support service to the clinical research industry
  • Those who have an interest in clinical research
  • Those new to clinical research
  • Students in full or part-time undergraduate study
  • Retired members who no longer work within the clinical research industry
  • Those with no clinical research academic qualification
  • Those studying for a clinical research academic qualification (see Qualifications)
  • Those who hold a BSc in Life Sciences (or equivalent); or a clinical research academic qualification (e.g. MSc, PgDiploma etc); or nursing qualification or have passed the ICR exam or hold a cognate degree
  • Must have at least one year’s experience in clinical research
  • Members need to commit to CPD
  • Must abide by ICR’s Professional Code of Conduct (available on website)
  • As for Registered but have an additional 4 years’ experience in clinical research
  • Must provide evidence of achieving the required number of CPD points per annum on request
  • Must be Professional member for at least 3 years
  • Must have at least 10 years’ experience in clinical research
  • Must provide evidence of a minimum of 2 years’ of CPD
Honorary Fellow
  • Those who have made a significant contribution to the Institute
  • Those who have made a significant contribution to the clinical research profession
* Additional evidence may be requested
6. Your Home address*
Your Work address [Optional]
7. Account Details*

To access your account you will need to create a username and password.

8. Confirmation Explanation*

ICR by default sends confirmation of payment for a course to your email address.

Please check the box below if you wish for ICR to send confirmation by Post.